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Deny dangerous LNG exports before a second Trump term


We have a finite window to take climate action before the new administration's pro-oil and gas agenda is set in motion.

There's an action you can take right now to combat dirty energy.

Urge the Biden administration to reject projects that export dangerous liquified natural gas (LNG) — a critical step toward phasing out LNG and other dirty fossil fuels that are driving the climate crisis and threatening our health.

LNG is a dangerous, climate-destroying energy source on so many levels. The energy required to chill, ship, and regasify LNG is very carbon-intensive and increases the potential for leakage of dangerous methane, a greenhouse gas that is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

At the beginning of the year, the Biden administration hit pause on climate-busting LNG exports while they updated the criteria they use to analyze whether such projects are in the public interest.

Ask the Biden administration to finish what it started and protect us from LNG and other dirty fuels — sign this petition and tell them to deny projects that export dangerous LNG.

Subject line:
Reject dangerous liquefied natural gas

Dear President Biden and Secretary Granholm:

We have a finite window to take climate action before the new administration's pro-oil and gas agenda is set in motion.

There's an action you can take right now to combat dirty energy.

Please reject projects that export dangerous liquified natural gas (LNG) — a critical step toward phasing out LNG and other dirty fossil fuels that are driving the climate crisis and threatening our health.

LNG is a dangerous, climate-destroying energy source on so many levels. The energy required to chill, ship, and regasify LNG is very carbon-intensive and increases the potential for leakage of dangerous methane, a greenhouse gas that is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide.

At the beginning of the year, you hit pause on new LNG exports while you updated the criteria you use to analyze whether such projects are in the public interest.

Please finish what you started and protect us from LNG and other dirty fuels — deny projects that export dangerous LNG.

Thank you.

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